Five things to Do if you get served with an Order of Protection

Today, I’m going to give you five things to do if you get served with a Petition for an Order of Protection.First rule: Don’t ignore it, even if you don’t want to see the person again. Particularly if you are a gun owner. Not only are there provisions in Illinois Law that can cause you to […]

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We’re Changing Our Name- and a few other things.

I opened this office in November 13, 2006. I had no staff, no clients, and $1,500.00. Fifteen hundred bucks isn’t nothing, but it’s not the kind of money you’d ever want to start a law firm with. I called my office “The Law Office of Matthew Benson” because that’s what it was: me, hanging out […]

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Quickly, Quietly, & Well

“Quickly, Quietly, and Well” is the motto for this legal practice, and the simplest explanation for how we handle the problems our clients present to us. QUICKLY- The legal system doesn’t always move as rapidly as people would like. Our mission is to ensure that we are not responsible for any delays that may occur. […]

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